Sunday, March 2, 2008


3/3 Film Criticism: DAYS OF HEAVEN (1978)

3/4 MANN SHOW Leadership Meeting

3/9 “Wait Until Dark” STARRING COACH WHITE! @ CentreStage, 3 PM

3/10 Film Criticism: TO MY GREAT CHAGRIN (2007)

3/10 MANN SHOW Membership Meeting, AUDITORIUM

3/17 Film Criticism: CITIZEN KANE (1946)

3/31 Film Criticism: DO THE RIGHT THING (1989)


Anonymous said...

this is kinda random and has nothing to do with classes in March, but when is the tech team for JQ going to start working? I haven't gotten any updates or anything...

Anonymous said...

You know, the first time I saw Citizen Kane....I thought it was techically awesome. But it left me wondering why its considered the greatest film ever.

I've watched it five times since then (it comes on that classic movies channel like every other day rofl)

every time I watch it, I notice something different. It's amazing, really.

Citizen Kane = LOVE!

Also. California Dreaming and Klaha. Also love-love canidates there.