Friday, September 28, 2007

Do you guys love THE OFFICE?

I do.

Big time fan. I mean...I know you guys never worked in "Cubicle Hell." I did. I feel like I know those people. Especially Michael Scott.

Sometimes I think I'm him. Other times, I think he's various bosses I've had before...friends and co-workers from my pre-teaching days.

Which brings me to my current job here at Mann. I must admit, I totally love it. The first job that I've ever liked as much. It's my dream job, really...mostly. And's also the lowest salary I've ever had...well, since my first or second job out of college.

So. May this be the wisdom I pass along to you, my young sages...don't do anything just for the money. Do everything because it is right. Not necessarily because it feels right, but because it is true.

That's what Michael Scott never realized. It's why he's at Dunder-Mifflin and not a drive-time radio DJ.

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