Sunday, July 22, 2007

Rule #1: Keep it REAL.

This is the post where I tell those of you who don't know me all that well, what to expect from me.

Last year I kept hearing about how I needed to be tough with my students early on. Instill discipline. I needed to be more of a drill sergeant than a teacher. This, I felt, was a little intimidating because--though I am an actor--I really don't know how to fake being who I am.

I am a pretty enthusiastic, intense guy. I get very passionate about my students, and nothing pisses me off more than their apathy. Energy, noise, exuberance, even obnoxiousness I can work with. But "who cares?" That makes me crazy.

If you've never been in a high school drama class, or if you have, but with another teacher, you're in for something very different. My classes are fun, but extremely challenging. Some students will think I'm really hard. Others will think I'm easy. As long as everyone respects each other, we'll get along fine.

Respect starts with KEEPING IT REAL. That means being yourself. Not faking, putting up a front...posing like you is what you obviously ain't.

So. Coach White. What I ain't? An easygoing, sweetheart of a drama teacher who can't wait to see you guys strut your stuff in SOUTH PACIFIC. What I is? Professional, passionate, in-your-face, hilarious, high-energy, smarter than you... and probably more respectful of you than you are of me.

Those of you who know me you agree? How would you describe me to a new student?


Anonymous said...

Hmm, that sounds about rigt. Haha, smarter than us? Usually. You usually knew what we had planned out before we did it..and aparently knew when we we're in trouble with other teachers. Haha. Either way, yeah, you were pretty tough on us at times, but that made us push..we wanted to do better. After all the times you irritated the life outta me or brought me out in front of the class {very embarassing by the way}, i tried alot harder because i didnt want to be embarassed and i knew you'd do it again..and the last time i was on the both classes i took with you.. i did what i put i thought an A should be on my paper. I was loud, people could hear me, and i wasnt as much of me as i wanted to be out there, but i did come out in both classes. You helped alot of us achieve that, so yeah. You do a good job as a teacher. Haha, hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Hmm....a tough teacher? At times. I know so many times i was really irritated because you'd call me out in front of the class {very embarassing by the way} or just i dont know...sometimes, you'd make an example with me, and it'd irritate me, because i felt like i was pushing my hardest, even when you didnt. Towards the end, i realized i could do more, and at the end i did. I did exactly what i put on my "What i think an A is" paper. I was loud and not afraid in drama class on stage when we had the audience. I was alot more open and comfortable and eager to go in BOTH classes. So tough? Maybe. Smarter than us? Haha, k, i'll admit, yes. You always knew the little tricks we had planned before hand. Haha. I think you are what every teacher needs to be. You werent as tough and you didnt get as irritated with us like most teachers did, but you didnt give up on us either..even on the ones who didnt want to be there. You gave them a shot. A chance. Also, towards the end, i saw alot of people really come out of their shell, and achieve what they wrote on their papers. They couldnt have done that without you. Hope this helps.

Jay said...

Knox and I saw Once.

CW said...


Yes, yes, yes! You saw ONCE? Is it in town? I saw it in Seattle. Yeah, it totally rocked my world. I was literally weeping by th end of that first song he sings on the street. We must talk soon about this. The guys sings for a band called The Frames. Have to check into them. Are you guys still up for some treehouse work?

Jay said...

I saw it in asheville
and i saw the frames website, but bought the soundtrack, not the frames CD
Tree house work- yeah!

Anonymous said...

LMAO smarter than us LOL j/k!!!!!!!!!!! Coach White is about the craziiest teacher you will ever meet in your life!! HE is every enthusiactic about everything he does. He is very loud too. (now i am loud but he just might have me beat)LOL MIGHT. If your a quiet person.....I FEEL BAD FOR YOU!!! By the time you are finished with his class you will not be that way anymore. I personally think he likes quiet people better in his class because they are like a blank canvas. OOH simile LOL But he is really a cool person. He is more like a friend than a teacher. He isn't to stern, he loves to have fun and he wants you to be the best person you can be!!! This is my teacher Coach Chris White