Monday, July 2, 2007

The return of MANN SHOW. 2008 Edition.


Just in case we've not met, I'm Coach White. I don't do drama like anyone else. To me, high school drama is all about RESPECT. Respect for others, for yourself, for the theatre. In that order. So get used to hearing me talk about it.

Also...when it comes to producing theatre, I believe our plays should rival state championship athletics for excitement. I think they should be of a quality equal to college and community theatre. I think the plays we produce should be about important ideas. In short, I think what we produce for a paying audience should be totally kick ass...muscular...brave...important. With your help, I guarantee you will see such a production this coming spring.

[Last year we did Robert Lewis Stevenson's TREASURE ISLAND]

Stay tuned for more cool stuff...I plan to announce the title, audition and production dates for next spring's production right here...on this blog...sometime in early December. Also, students who check in with this site will very often receive answers to bonus questions on tests, recommendations for the absolute coolest movies, links to hot sites, and the most up-to-date information. For instance, there's amazing details about our new drama classroom and theater coming to this site, soon. Want to know hear about my summer trip west to study theatre production? Want to hear the latest about our drama club, MANN SHOW 2008? Anyone see a really good summer movie? I thought that a couple were pretty good...what did you like?

So. Keep up with Mann Show 2008. I'll keep you down with Mann Drama.


Anonymous said...

Hey this is Martakius, I can't wait until August!!!!!!!! I really want to start drama classes and I also can't wait until December when we find out about the play!!!!! I am really excited!!! and Transformers was really good.

Anonymous said...



Transformers was great...yet..cheesy. =]

Ross Ovington said...

Looking forward to it

Anonymous said...

I just watched The Holiday. *sigh*

I hear Jude Law has a small...friend.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna miss staying in your classroom for 6th and 7th periods those days we had practice or MannShow meetings.

so I'll be sure to visit, when I'm not too tired from work. XD

I'm seeing Transformers and Die Hard or Live Free this weekend, hopefully.

Kevin shaved.

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say that I went to the real treasure island when i was in Edinburgh this summer

Anonymous said...

not sure if im coming back this year, but im def coming to visit if im not back at Mann. I miss MannShow! and i agree with Nicole. We need more Respect quizzes, lol.

Jay said...

Drama four honors > the world

Anonymous said...

So like, some of my classes over at tech.....I get dropped off there at like 7:30 am and then after my math courses I have two hours of nothingness until my English 101 class.

Oh whatever am I to do? :3
I'll buy myself a minibike and ride over to Mann to make all those Mannshow kiddos misrable, because they think I'm not "moving on with my life". ha.

btw, 007 is better. Nyahnyahnyahaaa.

Anonymous said...

Howdy Coach White,

sorry for being pretty much silent on the blog this summer. no excuse for it. excuses suck in any case. but im totally looking forward to Drama and Mann Show 2008. My head is spinning as to what the spring production could be this time. I hope i can be more involved this time around but only time will tell.

as for summer movies, Live Free or Die Hard was excellent, at least as good as the original in my opinion. Transformers was funny and overall decent, but i dont care for Micheal Bay personally. His camera angles on moving things always seem really close and confusing, but im no expert. i also saw the Order of the Pheonix a couple times because i like harry potter. im too biased towards the books and series to say whether it was done well or not. i saw 1408 near the beginging of summer and enjoyed it immensely. the most recent thing i saw was that romantic commedy No Reservations. it was okay as far as chick flicks go but i dont really care for that kind of thing, and there was nothing really exceptional to jump out at me.

once again, cant wait for drama. its one of the few things im actually looking forward to this school year. its so weird how I spend so much of the year waiting for summer and yet by the end of the short repreive im already optimistic again for next year even though i know by November every day will be a pained burdensome trek with only short 55 minute respites at Drama and English class. (and not even english class since i think i have Doc Loc this year)

=) still the optimism persists, and i kno Drama and MannShow won't let me down
